01-08-11 Arizona Prayer

God of our silent tears, God of the weary and oppressed,

We offer up our prayers of comfort and care
for all those in shock and sorrow, pain and fear,
with the hopes that the goodwill of the many reaching out across the earth
will be a balm for those affected by the ill-will of the fear.
We pray for the families of the dead, for the wounded and their families,
and for the hearts grown cold and bitter against their neighbors,
that they may all feel the earth's nurture, humanity's overwhelming respect for life,
and the loving arms of that which is most high and most deep.
While we cannot change what has been wrought,
we can protest when life is treated callously
and we can pray and love and care
for those whose lives are cut too short,
for those whose world is filled with violence and hate,
and for the rising sun of a world filled with renewed conviction
to stand true to our God of Love,
true to our native land, home of those yearning to breathe free,
true to our principle of inherent worth and dignity for all.

Blessed Be and Amen.


Melissa said…
Beautiful prayer. Am reposting it (with link back here to your blog) on mine.

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