An Open Letter to Michigan Attorney General Mike Cox

Dear Attorney General Mike Cox,

As a minister, a long-time Michigan resident, and also a University of Michigan alumna, I write to you imploring you to fire Andrew Shirvell for conduct unbecoming a State of Michigan employee.  Every Michigan employee has the right to their own political opinion and freedom of speech, and those must be protected, but Andrew Shirvell’s behavior has undoubtedly gone beyond mere political opinion and into the realm of hate speech, cyber bullying, and cyber stalking in his actions regarding the University of Michigan student body president.  As a state employee, he has lost the public’s confidence that he can perform his duties without bias.  Andrew Shirvell’s behavior is deeply troubling and unethical, and that he considers it within the normal realm of political discourse makes it all the more troubling.  Thank you for already recognizing his immaturity and lack of wisdom.  I hope you will take this matter further in the days to come, and urge you to consider the case that his conduct has crossed the line for unbecoming our great state which needs no further embarrassments like Andrew Shirvell’s behavior dragging it down.

Rev. Dr. Cynthia L. Landrum
Universalist Unitarian Church of East Liberty
Clarklake, MI


Anonymous said…
BEAUTIFULLY said!!! I hope you mailed this to his office, too!

Littlist Sis

P.S. Your blog is beautiful, too. :)

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