Getting the Message Out: Standing on the Side of Love

The Standing on the Side of Love campaign did a great job of getting a consistent message out through UU churches and ministers this week.  I saw numerous blog posts, newspaper editorials, and other writings on the subject this week.  Here's a sampling:

The Rev. Cecilia Kingman said in the Wenatchee World:
As for us, though, we proclaim God’s love for all people — that great, redeeming love which has no limit. And we invite everyone who places compassion, justice and love at the center of your faith to join us in standing on the side of love.
In Potsdam, Austin Kenyon said on "News 10":
This weekend is a symbol, it's done purposefully, to reimagine Valentine's Day as a holiday. To reimagine it not as just a holiday of candy and Hallmark cards. But as a day of love and acceptance for everyone.
In Maryland, on the Beltway, the Rev. Diane Teichert told that she would no longer sign marriage licenses, saying:
Valentine’s Day is about more than romance and chocolates… It’s about the transforming power of love in our lives.
In Ogden, Utah, the minister Rev. Theresa Novak told the local "Standard-Examiner":
We understand love to be a verb, an act that transcends fear and extends beyond individuals to embrace a community.
In Redwood City, California, the Rev. Sean Dennison blogged about a rally saying:
I believe that every major religion has compassion and love at its center. The message of love may get lost or warped, or coopted by power, but at its heart, staying true to our religious values means standing on the side of Love—not only romantic love, but love that demands fairness, equity, compassion, and justice for all.
In Minnesota, the Rev. Meg Riley said, kicking off the Standing on the Side of Love campaign:
I love all of the ripples that spread out over the waters from this one event. Ripples which extend out to hold a wide variety of religious people, who share the same conviction about marriage equality. Ripples which extend out to a national day of love and justice which 100 other religious communities are committing themselves to in a wide variety of arenas, and even to Uganda, where people of faith will stand on the side of love in the face of draconian legislation against glbt people.
In such moments, when we experience being one people, I feel that I am living my religious mission. We all know that the forces of hate and fear are strong. Here’s our chance to know that the force of love, when we stand on the side of love, is even stronger.
And in Boston, our UUA president the Rev. Peter Morales said:
This Valentine’s Day has been proclaimed Standing on the Side of Love Day. People of many faiths across America are worshipping, meeting, and taking action to stand with those who most need our love and compassion today. We are calling on our fellow citizens and elected officials at all levels to stand on the side of love as well.
This Valentine’s Day, as we cherish those closest to us and as we celebrate the divine gift of love, let us dare to embrace a larger love. Join with thousands across America who are standing on the side of love for all people.
Well said, Unitarian Universalists.


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