December 17th: The Unitarian Christmas Holiday?

Last year I did a series of post about "Chalica," a holiday that's been invented in which Unitarian Universalists may spend the first full week of December reflecting and acting on the seven Principles. Last year I focused on Chalica for the whole week, and I did find that meaningful.

This year, however, I'm focused on a different idea for a Unitarian Holiday. December 17th is the day Unitarian Charles Dickens's A Christmas Carol was published. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we all spent every December 17th remembering the Unitarian ideals he brought to Christmas with that publication, and acting in a way consistent with Scrooge's transformation?


Joy said…
I like that better than Chalica. Much better. It's an accessible holiday for us and for others. I hope this catches on. Dicken's Day perhaps?
Anonymous said…
I read A Christmas Carol every December as a personal tradition and I love the idea that we acknowledge those ideals in our faith at this time of the year. I think that Chalica however, is a fine idea for a holiday. I think it is very accessible and sensible. I have just recently learned of its existence. It could take place any time of year, though since Christmas and other winter holidays are already so prevalent in the cultural and religious experiences of UUs. I know that I always enjoy being reminded about our principles. Since they represent the core of our faith a holiday centered around them makes sense.

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