Technology and Our Faith

Thinking about the openness of our faith to many sources, and the way we use technology, I ran across this video of the Rev. Christine Robinson talking about open source technology and our faith, and our faith as an open source faith. Very cool. I think this should be a starting point from which we talk about technology and our faith.

*Note to readers of this blog on facebook: videos may not come through to facebook. To view the original post, go to


Volly said…
Thanks for sharing -- I've posted it on our congregation's Twitter page, uuofchatt.
Caroline said…
The Rev. Robinson has given us an interesting analogy to think about. Having just come home from a conference about technology and learning and a workshop about Web 2.0 applications, my head has been spinning about ways to use some of the new technologies I've learned...some open source, some not. But technologies are only tools and we should understand our objectives before we decide to use any tool and see if that tool works for our objectives, especially when teaching. Likewise, understanding our values and goals for life and our mission helps us find a faith community to join that is in keeping with those values and goals. The "open source" UU faith community has certainly been a community that shares my values, goals and mission. More and more, I realize that this faith community is the one that supports and sustains me and makes me whole.

(Interesting to see you using "cloud" technology with your blogs, Rev. Cyn. I've been coming across this technologyh a lot lately.)

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