More on the "Recession"

Here in Jackson, it hasn't looked good lately. Some February developments:

Melling Tool is laying off 28 employees.
From a recent CitPat article:
• Gerdau Mac Steel has laid off 300 of 380 workers indefinitely.
• Michigan Automotive Compressor Inc. has offered buyouts to nearly all of its 740
• TAC Inc. has offered buyouts to 70 of 590 employees and gone to a
four-day week.
• CertainTeed has temporarily laid off 80 of 250 workers.
• Jackson-based Sparton Corp. has cut its workforce of 1,000 by 60.
Michigan Automotive Compressor is also offering buyouts.
Multiple local restaurants have reduced busing staff.
Bullinger's Pub is closing.

That's what February in Jackson has looked like, so far.

The good news, if you can call it that, is that some area churches are showing increased attendance. We had a packed house on Sunday for our guest speaker on Darfur. This is a good time as a church organization to think about what our saving message is, what our role in the community is, and how each of us can minister in this community.


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