Review: UUA Wordpress Theme -- A Further Look, Part 3 (UUA Services Plugin, Ideas for the Future, Content)
The really neat thing about the new UUA Wordpress Theme is the UUA Services Plugin. This solves the problem I didn't even really know I had, and does it very elegantly. Sunday Services Plugin The problem: how to we advertise our Sunday service topics on the website? And how do we do it such that we don't have to update weekly? Previously, I had looked at three options. One was what I ended up with: create posts monthly that list the month's services. This only has to be updated once per month, and that's the advantage. The disadvantage is that it doesn't list them individually. There are other disadvantages, too. Another option would be to put posts up weekly. The big disadvantage there is the weekly nature of this for a church with no full-time staff except myself. Another option would be to create them as "events" with the Events plugin. This carries with it extraneous information like location as a mandatory ...