10 Reasons to Attend General Assembly
General Assembly housing and early bird registration open March 1st. General Assembly is an expensive proposition. I can only afford it... well, actually, I can't afford it. My professional expenses are usually depleted by the time GA rolls around, and so it's out-of-pocket on a small church minister's budget when I go, which is usually every-other year. There are ways I cut costs -- I drive, when possible (and go less frequently when it's not); I stay at a cheap hotel on the outskirts and commute in to the city. I usually consider registering for only part of GA, but then break down and register for the whole thing anyway. But this year, despite the expense and the fact that I went last year, I'm planning on going again. Here's why you should, too. And, no, the UUA isn't paying me to do this. I really mean it. I have a feeling this year is particularly important, as is next year. Celebrate the anniversary! This GA, Un...