Freedom of press, speech, and religion
Juan Williams was fired from NPR this week because of comments he made on Fox News, where he’s a regular commentator. His comments included the statement that he gets nervous when he’s on a plane with people who identify first and foremost as Muslim, as evident from garb. I realized I have a particular perspective on this that might be different, and so is worth sharing. And I expect it is probably an unpopular opinion, as well. In this country we have a lot of freedoms, among them freedom of the press, freedom of religion, and freedom of speech. Sometimes these freedoms come into conflict. And sometimes we voluntarily choose roles that curtail these freedoms. We’re free to not choose those roles and retain the full exercise of our freedoms, and usually we know in taking up these mantles that we are thereby giving up certain freedoms. As a minister, I’m caught up by the freedom of religion that also requires churches, as non-profit agenci...