What would you do? -- Breastfeeding Edition

When I was in seminary at Meadville Lombard Theological School , we were often focused on one big hurdle that UU ministers have to get over: the MFC visit. The MFC, or Ministerial Fellowship Committee, is a committee that grants UU ministers "Fellowship," which gives us the right to search for a church through the UUA's systems, access to UUA grants, and is a major gate to keep out people the MFC believes are not suited to the UU ministry. It's a major credential on the path to becoming a UU minister, and without it you're unlikely to be able to be a UU minister. It puts you in the group, basically. When I went through it, this is how it went: The MFC asked for all sorts of paperwork, which I shall not go into, and all sorts of steps you go through before you get there, and then you had your interview, in which the committee members each asked you a question. The question could be a single question or a series of questions along a particular line, or a ques...