May I see your papers?
I'm going to try to write this without flinging world like Nazi around here. I believe we need to step back from that level of rhetoric. Save the Nazism allegations for genocide. That being said... The new Arizona immigration law which allows for anyone who is suspected of being an illegal alien to be asked for their papers at any time is clearly egregious. We all know that as citizens in this free country we shouldn't have to carry proof of citizenship at all times. And we all know that I won't be asked for my papers--I'm not a Latina, after all, and that's what this is really about. It wouldn't matter if I was an illegal immigrant, I still wouldn't be asked for my papers. But it won't matter if your family has been in this country for ten generations if you are Latino, you can be asked to show proof of citizenship. We need to stand on the side of love on this one. And that's going to mean more than writing a letter of protest, or wea...